If you are feeling ill and are suffering from tooth pain, then a virtual consultation is a great alternative to an in-person visit. However, depending on your condition, the dentist may require an in-person consultation following the virtual session. Therefore, it is helpful for people to be familiar with what teledentistry is and how the visit works, so they can determine if it is right for them.
One of the main reasons that dentists offer teledentistry is to give patients the ability to receive a diagnosis for oral health concerns. The following is an overview of teledentistry, including what it is, how it can be used to diagnose oral health concerns and when to consider a teledentistry visit with your dentist.
Teledentistry is a way of offering dental checkups and diagnostic visits to dental patients through the use of technology and online platforms. Every dentist uses teledentistry in their own way, which may include diagnosing symptoms, offering virtual consultations to prospective patients and checking up on the oral health status of their current patients. Many patients find it to be more convenient, as they can have a visit in the comfort of their homes.
Dentists can use teledentistry to diagnose a range of oral health concerns. During the appointment, the dentist will discuss any symptoms that the patient is having and use their previous dental history to determine the most likely diagnosis. Oral health concerns that a dentist may be able to diagnose through teledentistry include:

Of course, a few of these concerns may also require an in-person visit to confirm the diagnosis, but patients can still get a clear idea of the status of their oral health through teledentistry.
Teledentistry is a good idea for anyone who has symptoms of an oral health concern. These include but are not limited to:

During a teledentistry visit, the dentist will discuss the symptoms with the patient and provide ways to manage minor symptoms at home until they can come into the office. For severe symptoms, the dentist may recommend emergency dentistry.
Most teledentistry visits begin with a simple and easy discussion of the symptoms that the patient is experiencing. From there, the dentist may recommend ways to deal with the concern at home or to come into the office if the patient requires emergency dentistry. The dentist can also provide insights into how to keep good dental health through proper oral hygiene at home.
If you are interested in scheduling a teledentistry visit, then reach out to our friendly dental team today via phone or email. We are here to help people get the dental care they need. At Cre8 Smile Studio, we provide convenient and accessible teledentistry services to address your dental concerns from the comfort of your home.
Contact us now to schedule your virtual consultation and receive professional dental advice and care. Let our dedicated team support your oral health needs with the flexibility and ease of teledentistry!